The Thriving Intersection of Finance and Sustainability

The Thriving Intersection of Finance and Sustainability

By Rajarshi September 06, 2023 - 130 views

Financial sustainability is a term that has created a buzz across global circles. Put together finance and sustainability as concepts and what you get is this new paradigm that could well become a future trend.

More companies are now inclined towards making sustainable investments in line with their social responsibility blueprints. Human rights issues, climate change, and various other aspects have led to sizable growth in sustainable investing over the last few years. Reports estimate how 36% of all global assets in 2021 had a sustainable connection in one form or another.

This indicates 14% of growth from 2012 (22%). Hence, it can be stated that financial sustainability is going to be a major trend in future years. Here is a closer look at the same below.

The Rise of Sustainable Investing

Sustainable investments have grown considerably over the last few years. There has been a major shift from the exclusionary perspective towards investing to the integration of ESG (environmental, social, and governance) assessments in the conventional spectrum. Here are some more pointers that will serve to illustrate this point better:

  • ESG integration is already going mainstream and investments are now looking at higher real-world impact. This means measurable and intentional positive environmental or societal advantages. Risk-adjusted returns are also a key feature of this approach. 
  • Europe and the U.S. reportedly take up 80% and more of global sustainable investing assets. Countries like Japan, New Zealand, Canada, and Australia are also witnessing steady growth. 
  • Many investors feel that climate change will be a major influencing factor for their policies over the next few years. 
  • Banks are also participating more in the sustainable investments category. They already account for almost 50% or US$70 trillion of global banking assets and 75% of fossil fuel financing activity. They are committing towards net-zero financed emissions by the year 2050. 
  • Many also have sustainable finance goals till the year 2030 as well. 
  • Several corporates are also committing to net-zero targets outside the BFSI (banking and financial services industry) arena. 
  • ESG investors are now looking at measurable investment performance and real-world impact. 
  • Investors will also have to integrate more refined analytical perspectives in this domain. The global financial system is understanding actual sustainability risks, especially with higher regulation linked to reporting, disclosure, and sustainable finance. 
  • Several investors are also planning to pause conventional fund purchases and concentrate more on ESG initiatives in the near future. 
  • Several ESG funds are being seen in global hubs including London. Several green advisory groups are also coming up, offering frameworks for these funds to qualify as sustainable
  • ESG scores and other mechanisms are also coming into the picture in recent years. They are encouraging the growth of sustainable funds worldwide. 

However, there are some hurdles to be encountered for sustainable investments in recent times. Let us examine these aspects below.

The Challenges of Sustainable Investing

Sustainable investments may run into a few challenges as mentioned above. These include the following:

  • Community complications- Owners of large assets have various complications, since they are mostly several family members or companies who have varying perspectives. 
  • It is also true for endowments or pension funds which have several stakeholders with differing priorities. 
  • The alignment of social responsibility and goals with investment objectives is the key challenge here. 
  • Mental models are often inaccurate or outdated in terms of taking action. Divesting from stocks is not the way forward as many investors feel. The change comes from taking ownership of stocks consistently and taking part in shareholder engagement for management behavior changes.  
  • Measuring progress and successful outcomes can be a major issue as well. This problem has been further compounded by faulty rating and reporting agencies that have methodologies that are vague at times. 
  • Data gathering or reporting poses an issue along with updating the same on a real-time basis. 
  • Creating rankings or composite scores for sustainable entities is a core issue for the sector too. 

There could be more policy and regulation-based programs that will make several such issues more visible and help bring about their solutions. The future of sustainable investing looks bright from the current standpoint. Here’s a brief look at the same below.

The Future of Sustainable Investing

The future of sustainable investments or ESG investing should witness higher activity in this space. Here are some trends that should be noted.

  • Investors will emphasise financial sustainability, seeking to align their values with investments. 
  • More sustainable investment and ESG funds should enter the market. Reports from Morningstar indicate how these funds in the U.S. drew record funding of $51.1 billion in the year 2020. This represented sizable growth as compared to $21.4 billion in 2019. 
  • There will be more demand for sustainable investment choices, with companies meeting ESG goals outstripping their rivals ultimately in terms of higher returns on equity and lesser volatility. 
  • Sustainable investing will become a more profitable investment blueprint while integrating social responsibility within its framework. 
  • There will be defined guidelines on what makes a sustainable investment that is based on diverse ESG parameters. 
  • Standardised reporting based on ESG metrics will also become a mainstream practice in the future.

Sustainable investing is thus set to enter the contemporary financial lexicon in the near future and in a big way, going by the current trends. More investors and companies will look to put their money where their social priorities lie. This will undoubtedly bring about a massive transformation in the global business arena.


1.How are financial institutions incorporating sustainability principles into their operations and decision-making?

Financial institutions are integrating sustainability principles into their decision-making and operational policies. They are looking at avoiding investments with negative environmental or social consequences. They are also looking for more investments that concentrate on social responsibility and environmental sustainability.

2.What role does sustainable finance play in addressing environmental and social challenges?

Sustainable finance has a vital role to play in tackling various social and environmental challenges. This is ensured through deploying investments in initiatives and organisations that can contribute towards positive social and environmental changes. It will stimulate ethical decision-making and good governance, along with enabling transitions towards environment-friendly performance with time. 

3. What are the key drivers behind the increasing demand for sustainable investments in the financial sector?

The major growth drivers behind the higher demand for sustainable investments in the financial sector include growth in awareness of various global issues. These include the need for environmental sustainability, climate change, ESG goals, the United Nations sustainable development goals, and responsible investing approaches. 

4. What role does regulation play in promoting sustainable practices within the financial industry?

Regulations have an important role in the promotion of sustainable practices in the financial industry. They may be used for making disclosures compulsory, along with offering common frameworks for measuring performance and impact. ESG asset management and banking standards can also be enabled by regulations. They will make organisations abide by defined codes of conduct and activities. 

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