12 Tips for Writing Great Press Releases
Digital Marketing Marketing

12 Tips for Writing Great Press Releases

By Mainak Biswas May 03, 2013 - 728 views

Press releases are a great way to ensure success for your digital marketing campaign. However, much too often, we tend to make errors that result in seemingly amateurishly written press releases. In order to ensure that your press release is read by those who will eventually use it to write stories in mainstream media offline or online, it is important to keep a few rules in mind. We have listed twelve tips that we think are crucial for businesses and start-ups. The more you incorporate these tips in your release; the better shall be the chances of landing in an announcement in the media such as television, eMagazine, newspapers or websites.

1.Importance of Specificity

Be specific and do not wander from the point. Journalists are swarmed by hundreds of press releases every day. To avoid further aggravating their burgeoning task of sifting through a lot of unnecessary information, the contents should be kept precise. The content should preferably be one or two pages and readable.

2.Write Killer Headlines

The headline should be a feast to the eyeballs. The headline or the subject line of the press release should be such that it sums up the whole release. It should evoke interest in the mind of the reader. Keep in mind that the page should not be too cluttered, but presentable.

3.High Resolution Images

Use pictures wherever possible. Photographs should preferably be in high resolution, in a commonly used format and a regular size. Make the information readily available to the reader because pictures are commonly not displayed in many mailboxes. It should not be attached to the release as it can be flagged as spam. A collage of pictures can tell a story better than a lot of words.

4.Contact Information

Include relevant contact information such as email addresses, phone numbers, dates, locations, full name and postal addresses. These should be provided to interact and be communicated with the latest of the company’s developments.

5.Statistics Are Important

Provide numerical data to support your claim. Statistical data should be provided to highlight the uniqueness of the product.

6.Pay attention to Grammar

Keep the release free from grammatical and spelling error. Even a single mistake in your spelling and grammar could shoo away a prospective client. Proof read the release many times. The release should be a third person account and in consistent tenses.

7.Use Quotes Appropriately

Enliven the release with a generous dash of quotes. Quotes from users of the product can really be an icing on the cake. The quotes should come from a diverse section of people from various walks of life- be it occupation, race or culture. They should be free from grammatical errors which are often encountered while collecting opinions. The idea of people endorsing the product can mean a lot to the release. The quotes in the release gives a human feel to it where people in the respective fields can relate to their opinions

8.Don’t Be Pretentious

Overtly sophisticated and fancy words can prove to be a big turn-off. Fancy words such as adjectives- ‘number one company’, ‘leading’, ‘world class’ are ignored by reporters. Such words lack credibility. If used, reliable sources should be cited. Awards won can be highlighted. Products sparking a trend can be mentioned.

9.Target All Platforms

The target should not be the print media alone. Websites, eMagazines, blogs, television and other medium should also be targeted.

10.Following up

Subsequent follow-ups of the release’s status should be avoided and can be bothersome to the journalists, who are a busy lot.


Interacting with the publications via email is wise. Other websites can also be used such as Press Dispensary. There are a few distribution sites that journalists register with, who charge a nominal fee for the services rendered Such as Response Source, Real Wire, Source Wire, Neon Drum and PR Web.


Provide relevant references at the bottom of the page. To satisfy the curiosity of the inquisitive reader, some references need to be cited. While links can be published, you should ensure that your press release does not stray away from being precise and specific.

These tips can help your business to ensure that a decent press release has been written. Hiring great copywriters to write press releases is always a good idea, and if you can afford, go ahead by all means. If you cannot afford to hire good copywriters, you should follow these tips studiously.

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