Best Ways to Attract Subscribers to Your YouTube Channel
Digital Marketing Marketing

Best Ways to Attract Subscribers to Your YouTube Channel

By Mainak Biswas April 22, 2013 - 586 views

YouTube is the best medium to share videos and engage with audience who share similar interests. It is no wonder then, that marketing strategies involve utilizing YouTube and increasing subscribers’ to one’s channels.

After Google, YouTube is now the second largest search engine. While Google dominated the Internet when it comes to looking for information on anything, YouTube has grown much more popular as people would rather listen to and watch than read and understand.

Making use of YouTube in the best possible way is not known to many. There are a few ‘must do’ actions to market your video the best possible way, which will help you reach out to scores of people with similar tastes or people who are plain interested in your video.

Gaining publicity on YouTube is not only easier, but there are wide opportunities stemming from making your online presence entertaining and enlightening.

Two reasons why it is necessary to have a presence on YouTube:

1. It’s Free

Apart from the time taken for you to construct a video and make it entertaining, it is simply free. Unlike a billboard or a TV ad, you can post your video on YouTube and even edit it by making additions whenever you desire to. You can also keep adding any number of videos in your name, creating a niche for yourself.

2. Creativity as its Best:

You can get all creative and add your touch to the video, ensuring the message you want to deliver is portrayed the best way possible. As many people prefer watching to reading, a video is now the best option. Making it creative will also excite people and urge them to let it go viral without being asked to.

3. Free to choose your Target Audience:

If you desire to showcase your video to a certain set of people around the globe, you are most welcome to do so by using the right set of key words that would direct your video to the audience you choose.

Once you have posted a video, you cannot just sit back and expect it to gain a million views. Simply posting it might fetch you a handful of viewers, you need to do a bit more to ensure your video is among the popular videos viewed. You will need to build your own set of followers or subscribers (YouTube terms) who because of your video content have become ardent fans. These fans/followers/subscribers will watch, comment and share your video with others simply because they like what you have put up.

A few simple ways to get these followers to follow you:

1. Ensure Regularity: Keep creating new content and make it available with a set list of people, informing them that they have something new to look forward. By creating a cycle, they will know what to expect when. If you get a poor feedback on any one posted video, go back and review your work. Make sure that your video is interesting, exciting and has something new to offer to your viewers.

2. Ask for Subscribers: Don’t imagine your viewers to know what you are thinking. Some might assume that you do not like your video to go viral and hence would enjoy it and keep it to themselves. So, ask your viewers to subscribe the video by clicking the ‘Subscribe’ button placed right above your video. Tell them why you would need your video to be subscribed and even tell them how they can do so.

3. Use Annotations: Annotations are those multicolored notes that you see on a person’s YouTube video. Unfortunately this tool has been overused. Using it to the most of your advantage can give you the best results.  Add a ‘speech bubble’ as an annotation placing it directly under the subscribe button. Do this to all your existing and old videos

4. Publicize your YouTube Widget: Ensure people know that you have a YouTube channel going. Provide a direct link to your video on your blog, email and any other personal communication tool that you use.

5. Show your Interests: Share with people what you like also showing them that you appreciate another person’s work as much as you would want them to appreciate yours. You can do this by adding on your YouTube page other’s video links you like and have shared

All these are beginners list to get you quite a number of subscribers, building your publicity even when you are fast asleep.

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