Do Your Market Research before Planning an SEO Strategy
Digital Marketing Marketing

Do Your Market Research before Planning an SEO Strategy

By Mainak Biswas June 10, 2013 - 580 views

A well planned SEO strategy will take into account a combination of on-and off-page tactics that will ultimately improve a given website’s page rank for a certain search term and use it to its advantage. By creating a SEO strategy that is consistent with the needs of your customers, you will be able to target the right keywords and attract more traffic that is likely to result in conversions.

Importance of market research

Market research reports are important to your business as they will intimate you with the best keywords that you can choose to elicit response from customers in the form of clicks. This can aid you in garnering many prospective customers for your business needs, which can ultimately result in conversions. Market research also helps you to start your B2B endeavour on a more solid footing with a host of information about your prospective customer at your disposal, such as the type of cosmetic products they prefer, the staple food in their area, hobbies and interests and so on. Market research can provide you with a peek into the users’ activities, their preferences and also the way in which they are looking for products.

A listing of the statistics showing user habits that can aid in your market research is shown below:

. 61 percent of global internet users research products online

. 41 percent of online shoppers begin by using a search engine

. There are a recorded 131 billion searches per month by users on the internet

. 57 percent of TV viewers use the web simultaneously by way of their smartphones

. 67 percent of the links that search users click are free of cost

Market research will allow you to compete with other players in your field and take your SEO strategy to a whole new level. Here are a few insights into the way in which market research can facilitate you in your SEO needs:

  1.  Market research can keep you one step ahead of your competitors by attracting your customers with more targeted search phrases and being aware of their developments- the phrases they are focusing on in their searches and the relevant topics they vouch for. This is a good way of filling your coffers by using richer keywords than your competitors, leaving you way ahead in these dog fights.
  2.  Many popular search engines like Google are favoring keyword-rich websites and those that are darling of the masses. This means that either you should incorporate popular and most-sought-after keywords or you should garner many outbound links from popular websites. The former encourages you to raise the bar and deliver quality-rich content.
  3.  Market research aids in the creation of quality content that is consistent with your customer’s needs. Being appealing and valuable to them can mean that they are more likely to share it with others via social media, external links and email.

A better understanding of your customer needs is critical to a successful SEO strategy. The benefits of market research mentioned above can boost your search rankings and by building relationships with customers, you are most likely to find a loyal one.

Think beyond keywords

Creating content around customer’s needs rather than a generic search term aims for a satisfying customer experience and is more likely to result in conversions. The main aim of a SEO strategy is to optimize its keywords through research and make its content to top search engine rankings. What happens later with this hard-earned traffic? Here’s the catch, people click on the links out of curiosity and after satisfying it, they opt to navigate away from the page, not resulting in conversions.

A fleeting remedy to these high bounce rates is to create a content that is not only keyword-rich, but also relevant and entertaining as well.

Market research is the key ingredient in a successful strategy. While analytics tools are absolutely fundamental in creating one, research in the form of surveys cannot be ignored. Surveys can be conducted via your brand’s consumer email database, social media pages or even through your newsletter to gain insight into consumer’s needs and their preferred search terms. All these prerequisites go a long way in fulfilling your dream of a successful SEO strategy suitable for your business.

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