Using Twitter to Market to a Reluctant Audience
Digital Marketing

Using Twitter to Market to a Reluctant Audience

By Mainak Biswas January 07, 2015 - 642 views

One of the interesting phenomena that we have observed is that people tend to be more open to ideas if they were presented by people they follow on Twitter, rather than by advertisers themselves. This may not be so surprising, after all and it has been proven time & again that people often depend on known people to gather information and opinions.

Twitter is one of the top 3 social networking sites and it has already carved out a niche for itself. Being one of the most popular media to offer customer services, Twitter has been used by businesses to reach out to the target audience. However, if your target audience is not open to your soliciting and is averse to the idea of being marketed something, how do we tackle? Twitter might provide you some answers.

As we mentioned before, Twitter can be thought of as a medium where known and unknown people, who share similar interests, gather & converse, share information and just observe. With that in mind, if a product or service is endorsed by certain influential people on Twitter, chances are, reluctant prospects will slowly open up to your marketing campaigns.

In this article, let us take a look at how you can use Twitter to market to a reluctant audience.

Lurk around your prospects

Social media provides a valuable opportunity to learn about our prospects in a deep and intimate manner. It is simply not possible to follow our prospects and learn what they like & don’t, if we stick to traditional methods of studying consumer base.

With a strong social media team, you can lurk around their Twitter accounts, see what they talk about and understand why they share certain links more often than others; you can understand them in a way that is not possible on other media. Twitter helps you to collect valuable information without being invasive or annoying. Lurking around your prospects’ accounts is a great way to understand their buying behavior.

Connect with your prospects’ influencers

Most of your prospects follow other people who might be more influential than they are. They might respect these influencers more than others and might often retweet links that they share. They might engage in conversations with these influencers and noticeably, have a more positive tone in interactions.

You need to follow these influencers and even try to connect with them. If they are willing, you can try and collaborate with these influencers to create marketing campaigns that are subtle & persuasive.

If there is a local celebrity with a few hundreds of ardent followers, you can rope in that celebrity for a marketing campaign without looking all that obtrusive. This is a great technique to reach out to audience who might not be willing to respond to your marketing communications.

Keep your interactions on Twitter friendly

Twitter is a social platform and people expect friendliness & polite behavior. It is not a place to engage in hardcore marketing techniques and that will only drive away people from you. In order to succeed, you will have to be friendly, less salesy and approach people with a less threatening demeanor. Do not try to push your products or services without forethought.

Engage in conversations and offer to help them with your services & products when you see there is a need. Being polite and friendly on social media can take you a long way & even the most reluctant user might finally start opening up to your communications.

Twitter can urge a reluctant audience to pay more attention

Though we might believe certain prospects are difficult people to market to, approaching them in an unobtrusive manner can help you to break the ice. Twitter can provide a platform that is as non-invasive as possible and help you build valuable relationships that will assist you in succeeding in your marketing campaigns.

It might take a while but Twitter will help you to understand your audience and device marketing strategies that will actually make even reluctant people begin to show more attention to you & your messages. Twitter is, indeed, becoming an obvious choice for marketers who want to reach out and understand their target audience better, even if they are reluctant.

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