News @ Indus

Indus Net Technologies celebrates a decade of self discovery

By Mainak Biswas September 20, 2007 - 568 views

Hello Friends,

On 17th September, Indus Net Technologies completed a decade of operations. We started operations on 17th September 1997 as a small one man – one computer – one customer (we were lucky to get our first customer the day we started) company like any other startup.

The event was celebrated with a gala event at Stadel, a boutique hotel in Salt Lake, Kolkata. The event comprised of CEO’s keynote, presentation by project leads of new ventures, annual award distribution ceremony and a three course lunch. It was attended by 200+ attendees including employees of Indus Net Technologies, members of our Work @ Home team (we call it WAH team), employees and stakeholders of CustomerFirst (.NET division of Indus Net Technologies), and all stakeholders of Indus Net Technologies.

I will like to extend my heartfelt gratitude to everyone – our employees, our wonderful customers, our vendors and our advisors (to name a few) for their on-going support. I look forward to the same in years to come. 

I will soon post pictures of the event along with the slides of the presentations and transcription of the keynote for your reading.


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