Why Embracing Equity Is Key to Organisations’ DEI Strategies

Why Embracing Equity Is Key to Organisations’ DEI Strategies

By Priyobroto August 04, 2023 - 72 views

DEI (diversity, equity, and inclusion) is one of the biggest organisational goals today, with more companies tasked with adopting an equity-driven approach towards achieving the same.

Equity has to be understood carefully in this context. It is not about every individual getting the same things, but rather an understanding of the fact that people are at different levels or starting points.

This necessitates equity-centered decision-making where various interventions and tools are deployed for several groups to get people to the same end-stage. It encompasses not only employee engagement, but also career-development programs for women and other groups, internal networks of employees for support and assistance, flexible policies, gender representation objectives, and better parental leave guidelines.

Here is a closer look at equity and why it is a key component of DEI strategies at organisations.

Why is equity important for DEI?

Equity is crucial for DEI (diversity, equity, and inclusion) objectives and decision-making alike. Here are some aspects that should be noted in this regard:

  • Diversity encompasses existing differences within various groups, in terms of ethnicity, race, age, gender, sexual orientation, religion, and a lot more. 
  • Equity indicates equal treatment and fairness for all persons, irrespective of differences. 
  • Inclusion means developing workplace environments and cultures that respect and appreciate differences amongst employees. 
  • DEI is strongly related to equal opportunities and equity indicates that it should be good for everyone and not only for a particular group. 
  • Candidates today prefer equitable environments and workplaces that respect and value them. 
  • Promoting equity at work can also spur greater innovation and creative thinking. This is possible with unique perspectives garnered from employees across different backgrounds. 
  • Equity not only helps achieve DEI goals, but also attracts and retains the best talent. 
  • Embracing equity at the workplace is imperative to ensure a more supportive, positive, and productive environment. 
  • Employees are more likely to stay motivated and engaged, if they feel valued and can see equal opportunities for growth and development. 
  • Even a Deloitte survey highlights how 80% of professionals examine the inclusive nature of the organisation before finalising their decisions. 39% of employers would also leave their present employers for ones who are more inclusive. 
  • Organisations valuing equity will help employees perform better while benefiting from better collaborations and harmony. 
  • Equitable workforces enable the treatment of every individual with dignity and respect, irrespective of race, gender, religion, ability, sexual orientation, and immigration status. 
  • An equitable environment is characterised by trust, openness, and mutual respect. Equity encourages employees to stay more dedicated to the workplace. 
  • Equity can be fostered through the introduction of several leadership connect programs, forums, town halls, meetings, and other initiatives for equal opportunities. 
  • Companies that adopt equity-centered decision making can ensure higher inclusivity while boosting mental health and positive work cultures. 

How can organisations embrace equity?

How can organisations embrace equity?

Organisations can embrace equity in several ways. Some of them include the following: 

  • Equity is about embracing all differences and ensuring newer opportunities for every individual. 
  • A level playing field can be ensured by companies through specific career and personal development programs for everyone. 
  • You can build a support system that is customised as per individual requirements. 
  • Support may include equally-available mentorship, sponsorship, up-skilling, and learning. 
  • Equitable sponsorship can be one way to make a difference, especially at the grassroots. 
  • Companies should have more inclusive workplace policies, removing all hitherto unseen inclusion barriers. 
  • Interventions may be launched for building a culture to allow people access to equitable opportunities. 
  • Sponsorship can help advance equitable opportunities along with leadership training and awareness. 
  • Companies should integrate equity into the organisational culture. Leadership should be sensitised about equity and should function with consistency and empathy alike. 

Challenges to achieving equity in the workplace

There are a few challenges towards achieving equity in the workplace. These include the following: 

  • It is sometimes impossible to connect with a large number of people in a single location. 
  • Managing and motivating employees across varying timelines, groups, and projects is sometimes a challenge. 
  • Non-flexible and rigid hiring procedures are also hurdles for organisations along with ensuring that results of various initiatives have similar implications for everyone. 
  • Another issue is overcoming common thought processes of leadership and employees which may influence others. 
  • Lack of technological development and progress is another challenge. 
  • High-handedness and lack of counseling along with the lack of common platforms are major issues.
Challenges to achieving equity in the workplace

Achieving equity at the workplace is possible with the right leadership, fostering suitable company cultures, and keeping DEI objectives at the forefront. Equitable workplaces are the future and it is high time that organisations embrace the same. 


1.What are the benefits and advantages of incorporating equity into DEI strategies within organisations?

The benefits of incorporating equity into DEI objectives and blueprints are numerous, including higher employee productivity and engagement. Other advantages include higher retention, turnover rates, lower absenteeism, better customer satisfaction, and a healthier work environment. 

2. How does addressing systemic bias and promoting equity lead to improved employee engagement and retention?

Better employee engagement and retention is always possible through tackling systemic bias and promoting equity at work. Employees are more likely to stay at companies and dedicate themselves to the company’s goals when they get inclusive and welcoming spaces where they are respected. The absence of bias works as a motivator for employees. 

3. What role does leadership play in fostering an environment that embraces equity within DEI strategies?

Company leadership has a vital role to play in laying out the company culture, creating platforms and spaces for voicing thoughts, laying out inclusive policies, and scaling up diversity and openness in recruitment. 

4. What metrics or indicators can organisations use to measure the progress and impact of equity-focused DEI strategies?

There are several indicators or metrics that are used by organisations for tracking the effect of equity-based DEI strategies and overall progress. These include performance, attrition, leadership pipeline, inclusion, employment pipeline, pay equity, and promotions. 

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