7 Advantages Of Hiring Agile Offshore Development Teams
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7 Advantages Of Hiring Agile Offshore Development Teams

By Ankan September 06, 2021 - 761 views

Are you thinking about a new project for your business? If so, you might be thinking about the time-to-market, product quality, and budget too. In this scenario, outsourcing the development to offshore agile teams can be the best option! However, if you haven’t outsourced earlier, you might be sceptical about using agile offshore development. But don’t worry. A report says that 78% of businesses all over the world feel positive about their outsourcing partners

Here we have listed some of the best possible benefits that you can avail of by hiring agile offshore development teams. 

Let’s start!

Engagement of stakeholders

Agile software development consists of short sprints that create products on a regular basis and involve client feedback. So, it will be easier for the team to understand the client’s vision by involving them in every step of the project. 

Often, it might happen that the development team builds a product as per clients’ requirements. But after a few months, it may turn out to be unsatisfactory for the clients. This was the main problem of the traditional waterfall development method. 

But with the agile development method, clients can provide valuable feedback after each sprint. Thereby, agile offshore development ensures full client satisfaction. 

Offshore agile teams strive to improve quality

In Agile development, the offshore team doesn’t develop the product in one go. The team divides the project into sprints. By doing so, they can focus on high-quality product development and quality testing. 

After every iteration, the offshore development team will conduct testing and ask about the client’s feedback. Hence, if any bugs or mismatch occurs with the client’s expectations, it is taken care of in the early stages of development. This gradual testing and resolving issues (if any) ensures the optimal quality of the product.

Get more time to focus on core business operations

Technologies are evolving and so are customer demands. If you can’t keep up with the pace of changing trends, your business will be lagging in the market. So, you need to build software based on the recent market trends and technologies. That means you have to focus on your core business competencies and software development. But why will you worry about software development? Let the offshore agile teams handle your software development. By doing so, you can free up time to focus on core business operations and drive business revenue.

Offshore agile teams offer full transparency

When you are outsourcing a project, it’s obvious that you will expect transparency. And agile development exactly believes the same! In agile offshore development, clients can be part of the process from start to finish. The clients can prioritise features to include, plan iteration, and hold review sessions. This way, the agile development method wins the confidence of the clients by providing transparency.

Anticipate project costs

Each sprint has a set duration. By using time-boxed and fixed schedule sprints, the cost is predictable. Because it depends on the amount of work that the team can complete within the established time frame. 

So, by using offshore agile development, the client has a better understanding of the estimated cost of each item. This helps them make better decisions about which features to prioritise and whether or not they require extra iterations.

Reduces time-to-market

Time-to-market defines the success of any product. Agile offshore development teams use tried-and-tested methods to develop the product faster. They use time-boxed development cycles to achieve faster product launches without compromising quality. 

Thereby, agile offshore development can reduce the time-to-market of your product. This allows you to successfully capitalise on the opportunity and drive business growth.

Better project management

The agile offshore team can collaborate with you to determine the components of each iteration. Eventually, everyone in the team is aware of the standards to be adhered to. The daily standup meetings provide information to every team member about the project’s progress. Hence, this helps the team to immediately resolve any issues during each iteration.

Besides, the team may prepare for the next sprint by holding planning sessions. For that, they can use the learnings from the past sprints and prepare for better sprints ahead.

Final word

Outsourcing your projects to agile offshore development teams is indeed a good idea. It offers ample benefits like reduced time-to-market, lower costs, improved communications, etc. In this article, we have discussed the best 7 benefits that agile offshore development teams offer. 

Contact us right away and reap all the benefits of the agile development method to your software development project! 

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